November 1952 issue of Motion Picture and Television Magazine. From a long time Lucy collector this is a rarely found magazine mostly due to the fact that it is an early piece (less than a year after the “I Love Lucy” premiere) but also because there is no indication of the inclusion of Lucy on the cover.
Written by Lucy and starts with her adoration of Desi including her assertion that she loves him so much a more appropriate title would be “I Love Desi”! Quite a long article which continues on 2 other pages. Great pictures too including a one year old Lucie Desiree Arnez at her birthday.
Also includes colorized 1/2 page ad featuring the duo for Philip Morris cigarettes.
Lots of great movie star stuff to such as “The Romantic Secrets of Monty (Clift) and Marlon (Brando), “This is My Story” by Ava Gardner (also featured on the cover, “a New Life” for Liz Taylor and lots more.