These are great and we sold quite a few in our retail shop but they’ve been put away for many years. These are older metal pieces and probably from the 1960’s. They are in various designs and though they are not used some show more aging then others. You will be given the “best” one and we will not sell any that are in really bad shape but all pieces will have a metal patina and will generally reflect their Vintage nature.
You will get a grouping of all the styles and we do have duplicates of many of the designs. You may contact us to add those and after the two full sets we have are sold we will put together sets of the remaining designs until we run out. The picture will always reflect the current offering.
- Cowboy on Horseback roping a running calf
- Cowboy at front and back roping a Steer
- Cowboy finishing the leg roping of Calf
- Cowboy at full gallop on Horse
- Two Cowboys riding with Steer in-between as one comes off Horse to grab it
- Cowboy on Horseback with large Lasso looping a Steer running next to him
- Cowboy front view riding towards you on Horseback
- Cowboy riding bucking Steer
- Ring Barrel
- Cow
- Cowboy on Horseback stopping short
- Cowboy roping Steer by leg
- Cowboy tackling Steer with Arms around neck
Both sets are shown, you get one set. When the picture is edited (after selling the sets) then the appearance of your pieces will vary from those shown.